How to play Songs

Version 1.0 of the TidyLabs Song Player is live and ready for testing. You can run it within TidyLabs, or as a popout. No songs are downloaded, they play directly from YouTube.

TidyLabs Built in Player

The TidyLabs built in player is a tab within TidyLabs is contained within the Song Request Player tab.

1) Log into TidyLabs 2) Click Song Requests from the menu bar 3) Select the Song Request Player tab 3) Press Play to start your playlist

If you are still logged into TidyLabs, the streamer can delete songs from the playlist by pressing the Delete button.

TidyLabs Popout Player

The TidyLabs popout player can be launched from within TidyLabs (or bookmarked). Once opened your song requests will instantly play.

1) Log into TidyLabs 2) Click "Song Requests" from the menu bar 3) Click the popout link on the Song Request Player tab

4) Your Songs will automatically play

Player Controls

You can control the video by using the built in YouTube controls, or the TidyLabs controls.

Last updated